Academy for European Integration
Bul. Goce Delcev no.11 Lamela A
1000 Skopje
North Macedonia
Legal Form: Non-governmental organization
Identification number: 7664907
Vat IT: 4082023533813
Bank details
Bank: NLB Tutunska AD Skopje
Account number: 210076649070177
IBAN: MK07210300000285724
The Academy for European Integration is a voluntary, non-profit, non-governmental, non-political party association, established in accordance with the Law on Associations and Foundations with the main goal of promoting and developing European values through the organization and realization of research and educational projects in the field of European law and the law of the European Union.
The website provides information about the association - Academy for European Integration, its vision, mission, and purpose. All links to third-party internet sites are provided solely as an additional service to enhance user-friendliness. The operator of these internet offers is exclusively responsible for external content; they are beyond the control of the Academy for European Integration and accept no liability for the content of external websites.
Design and programming of the Website
Academy for European Integration
Raphael Schwarz, Fabian Orner, Arnold Pöschl, Helmut Klein, Christine Andorfer, Hubert Dimko, Katharina Stögmüller